Heater Repair in Lincoln, NE

How Do I Conserve Heat During the Winter?

Winter is cold, and the days and night are long too. It can also be an expensive month in energy bills because you need more heating to keep warm. The good thing is that you shouldn’t go broke trying to keep your home warm during winter. You can use these tips to conserve heat and keep warm during winter without breaking the bank. Check Your Heating System Hire a professional technician to inspect your heating system at least annually. The technician will replace air filters in your furnaces and humidifiers and inspect the unit for faulty parts requiring replacement or repairs. Doing so can prevent emergencies and ensure that the heating equipment operates at its most cost-efficient and optimal capacity. Insulate Your Home You can virtually conserve heat during winter by insulating your home. Imagine your home as an envelope and work towards sealing all air seals or cracks. Look out for drafts around doors, electrical and cable outlets, windows, and pipes. You can also conserve heat by ensuring that your weather stripping on doors and windows is perfect. Install Programmable Thermostats You can conserve and save a significant percentage of heating costs in a well-insulated home. Consider installing a...

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Poor Indoor Air Quality Lincoln, NE

How To Test Indoor Air Quality For Mold

Mold is everywhere, and when it grows, it releases spores. Although most molds aren’t toxic, some of them are. Toxic molds can grow in homes, and their spores can cause a wide range of health problems. It’s important to know whether your Lincoln, NE, home’s air quality is compromised by toxic mold. These three types of tests can determine which types of mold are in your home and which solutions will be the most effective at getting rid of them. Do a Visual Inspection of Your Home Look around the areas of your home that are the most humid. The bathroom, under sink cabinets, basement, crawl space and kitchen are common areas where mold can grow on drywall, cardboard, fabric, and paneling. If you see black, green, white or brown discoloration, you have mold. Evaluate Your Health If your allergies or asthma have gotten worse, and there’s no obvious reason why mold may be the cause. If you have new breathing problems, such as a runny or stuffy nose, sinus congestion, or frequent coughing or wheezing, mold may cause this even if you’re not allergic to it. Unexplained headaches, rashes, fatigue, and eye, nose or throat irritation can also be...

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How can I save money on energy bills in the winter?

Winter energy bills can get expensive because you need to heat your home. There are several ways to save money on these bills while still keeping your home comfortable. Turn Down the Furnace For every degree you turn down your thermostat, you save about 3% on your energy bills. People commonly keep their home heated at 68 degrees Fahrenheit, but it will save you a lot of money to keep the thermostat at 65 degrees. All you need to do is wear warmer clothes while in your home and you won’t notice the difference. Get Furnace Maintenance You should have your furnace tuned-up in the fall to save money on your winter energy bills. A furnace that has been tuned-up operates more efficiently than one that has been neglected. You should also replace the filter during the winter whenever it looks dirty, or about every two months. of Lincoln, NE, offers a maintenance service. We have experienced NATE-certified technicians who are familiar with all makes and models of furnaces. Use Ceiling Fans You should use your ceiling fans during the winter as it pushes warm air down. Make sure it’s running clockwise and at a low speed. Use Heavy Curtains...

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Best Practices to Minimize Wear and Tear On HVAC Systems

By limiting wear and tear on your HVAC system, you extend its lifespan and avoid the likelihood of needing repairs. There are some best practices to follow to achieve this goal. Change the Filter The most important practice to follow is to change your HVAC system’s filter regularly. If you’re not changing the filter, you’re putting excessive strain on your system’s components. Air can’t flow through the system with ease when the filter is clogged with dirt, dust, and debris. Change it every one to three months. Install a Smart Thermostat Smart thermostats increase the efficiency of your HVAC system. They reduce wear and tear because your system will run less when it’s not as needed, such as when you’re gone for the day. You can even make adjustments when you’re on vacation by using a mobile app. Regular Maintenance You should have an HVAC company tune-up your system every year. This service includes lubricating moving parts, which reduces wear and tear. The technician will inspect your system to make sure everything is in good working order, and little issues are fixed before parts get broken. of Lincoln, NE, offers an HVAC preventative maintenance service to homeowners. We’ve been in...

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Are You Doing Everything to Heat Your Home as Efficiently as Possible?

If you’d like to reduce your energy bills, one of the best ways of doing so is heating your home as efficiently as possible. Taking these steps can increase your home comfort. Use Your Ceiling Fans Many people don’t realize they can change the direction of their ceiling fans. You should flip the switch on them to make them spin in reverse during the winter. This pushes the warm air that collects at the ceiling down to where you’ll feel it. You’ll feel warmer while keeping your thermostat set lower. Schedule a Tune-Up You should have your heater tuned-up by a technician every fall. Tune-ups ensure your unit is operating efficiently and safely. The result will be lower energy bills, increased home comfort and better indoor air quality. of Lincoln, NE, offers furnace tune-ups. We’re an environmentally conscious company that works hard to make sure your heater is energy efficient. Install a Smart Thermostat Smart thermostats are an easy way to make your home more energy efficient. A smart thermostat learns your routines and heating preferences to save you money on your energy bills. Once the smart thermostat learns more about you, it’ll highlight additional ways you can increase the...

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Why Does My Heater Smell Like It’s Burning?

If you’re turning on your heater for the first time this fall, it may smell like it’s burning. This happens whether you or a maintenance technician turns it on. There are a variety of reasons your heater can smell when it’s operating. Normal Burn-Off During the spring and summer, it’s common for heating equipment to get covered in a layer of dust and dirt. As your heater begins to operate, the buildup will burn away. It can smell like a fire, so if you’re not aware of this phenomenon, it can be quite alarming. To protect yourself and your home, it’s best to have an experienced heating professional turn on your system every fall. Musty Odors If your system also has a musty odor, you’ve likely got mildew or mold in your ventilation system. Sometimes the smell burns away with the dirt buildup. If it remains after the burning smell stops, you’ll need to eliminate the causes. Replace your filter or clean it if it’s a washable model. Musty smells that linger after cleaning should be addressed by a professional who knows how to identify harmful molds. Regular furnace maintenance can prevent winter breakdowns and extend the useful life or...

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How Your HVAC System Affects Your Home’s Resale Value

There are many variables that come into play when determining your home’s current market value. One of those variables is the quality of the property’s HVAC system. Let’s take a detailed look at how your furnace, heat pump, or air conditioner can add or subtract from a home’s sale price. Replacing an HVAC System Can Be Expensive Putting a new furnace or central air system in a home could cost thousands of dollars. In most cases, the person who agrees to buy your home isn’t going to want to take on that expense after putting thousands down to acquire the property. At a minimum, a buyer is going to want you to provide a credit or rebate to account for that extra cost. The professionals at in Lincoln, NE, can inspect a heater, repair an air conditioner or take other steps to make sure your home’s AC is working properly before it goes on the market. Old HVAC Components Can Be Less Efficient A furnace or air conditioner that was installed in your house 10 or 15 years ago may not be as efficient as products currently on the market. This means that whoever purchases your home will face the...

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3 Things to Look for in Your Air Conditioning

A quality and well-maintained air conditioning unit is the heart of your residential property. You rely on it season after season and day after day to protect you from the different elements, purify the air your household breathes and more. When properly maintained, an air conditioner is efficient, reliable and does not increase your energy costs. Working with a trustworthy and knowledgeable HVAC contractor is important to your air conditioner’s performance and longevity. It would be best to avoid rushing into these partnerships. Instead, take your time to locate an HVAC company that will provide you with the best services. Here are some of the things you need to look for when selecting an air conditioning company. 1. Licensing Your HVAC unit is probably one of the most expensive pieces of equipment you have in your home. Therefore, you want to ensure that whoever works on it has the right training. To get this assurance, check whether the HVAC contractor has a valid license. In addition to the license, an AC company should also hold insurance and bonding to protect the customers in case of accidental damages or injury. 2. Expertise and Experience Your home is a huge investment, and...

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Choosing the Right Thermostat Setting for Your HVAC System: ‘On’ vs. ‘Auto’

The HVAC system in your Lincoln, NE, home is extremely important. To keep it running well, you should pay attention to your thermostat setting. There are several factors to consider when determining whether your thermostat should be set to “on” or “auto.” Cost of Running the HVAC System One factor to consider when running your HVAC system is the money you spend on energy consumption. If you would like to have lower energy bills, you should set your thermostat to “auto” as it will ensure your HVAC system only runs when necessary to maintain a set temperature. When you set the thermostat to “on,” the fan always runs and you will replace the filter more frequently, costing you more. Distribution of Temperature If you are concerned with keeping the heated or cooled air fully distributed throughout your home, you should always keep the fan “on.” While it will require that your HVAC system operates constantly, setting the fan to the “on” setting will result in the temperature being more consistent through your home. When the fan is set to “auto,” the HVAC system cuts “on and off” to save energy, but it takes more time to reach the desired set...

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How To Clean Air Conditioner Coils

As a homeowner, it’s likely that you put at least some time and effort into cleaning the areas in your house that people can see, especially when you have company coming over. Just as important, though, is cleaning some of the areas in your residence that you can’t see. Cleaning these areas will help your appliances to run well and keep your home comfortable. One such area is the evaporator coil on your air conditioner. This coil is responsible for removing heat and humidity from your residence while your air conditioner runs, making it largely responsible for your indoor comfort. To help you to keep this important component clean, here are some basic insights from in Lincoln as to how to best clean your air conditioner coils. Basic Method: Using a Cleaner The key when cleaning your air conditioner’s evaporator coil is to limit the amount of moisture that’s used. That’s because any moisture you use has to be able to drain through a low-capacity condensate drain line that’s located under the coil. If you use too much moisture, this line will overflow, causing potential electrical and mechanical issues that will need to address. That’s why the best way to...

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