Save Your Money: The Cheapest Method of Heating Your Home
When it comes to heating your home, one consideration is how much it will cost to run the system. Consider the different options for heating your home and which will cost the least this winter. Gas Furnaces Gas furnaces are the standard method of heating installed in most homes around Lincoln. The cost to run a gas furnace is dependent on its rated efficiency, measured in AFUE or annual fuel utilization efficiency. This evaluates how much heat the system loses through its exhaust compared to how much it produces. The highest-efficiency gas furnaces are rated at about 98%. Electric Furnaces Electric furnaces use electrical resistance to create heat. These use the same AFUE rating system, and since they don’t create exhaust, they have a 100% rating. However, electricity is generally more expensive than natural gas, making electric furnaces much more expensive to operate than gas furnaces. Heat Pumps Heat pumps are a little different than furnaces in that they transfer heat rather than create heat. The rating for these units is the heating seasonal performance factor, or HSPF. It compares how much heat the unit transfers into your home versus how much electricity it consumes. The highest-efficiency heat pumps have...
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