Who Invented Air Conditioning?
The summer months get warm in Lincoln. Homeowners depend on air conditioning systems to stay comfortable. For many homeowners, a cooler temperature is a matter of lowering the temperature on their thermostats. However, keeping your home cool has not always been so simple. It took a series of discoveries to reach the climate control equipment we have today. Ancient Cooling Technology From an early age in human history, people have recognized the cooling effects of evaporating water. The ancient Egyptians would put wet cloths in front of their doorways to cool the breeze. Wealthy Romans ran pipes with cold water from the aqueduct system to lower the temperature of interior rooms. These primitive cooling systems provided relief from the hot Mediterranean sun. Industrial Age Progress In northern climates, ice was the source of cooling for centuries. By blowing air over a block of ice, it could lower a room’s temperature. However, this was a messy solution that lasted only as long as the ice supply. It was not until the early 1900s that the air conditioning technology we know today began to develop. City office buildings were notoriously uncomfortable in the summers. In 1902, an inventor named Willis Carrier devised...
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