Are You Doing Everything to Heat Your Home as Efficiently as Possible?
If you’d like to reduce your energy bills, one of the best ways of doing so is heating your home as efficiently as possible. Taking these steps can increase your home comfort. Use Your Ceiling Fans Many people don’t realize they can change the direction of their ceiling fans. You should flip the switch on them to make them spin in reverse during the winter. This pushes the warm air that collects at the ceiling down to where you’ll feel it. You’ll feel warmer while keeping your thermostat set lower. Schedule a Tune-Up You should have your heater tuned-up by a technician every fall. Tune-ups ensure your unit is operating efficiently and safely. The result will be lower energy bills, increased home comfort and better indoor air quality. of Lincoln, NE, offers furnace tune-ups. We’re an environmentally conscious company that works hard to make sure your heater is energy efficient. Install a Smart Thermostat Smart thermostats are an easy way to make your home more energy efficient. A smart thermostat learns your routines and heating preferences to save you money on your energy bills. Once the smart thermostat learns more about you, it’ll highlight additional ways you can increase the...
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