February 17, 2023

How Cold Weather Impacts Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality

As temperatures drop and the winter season sets in, many people spend more time indoors to stay warm. What you may not realize is that cold weather outside can have a significant impact on the indoor air quality of your home. When your home is sealed up to keep the cold air out, it leads to an increase in indoor air pollutants. Additionally, the lack of fresh air and increased use of heating systems can cause dry air. Knowledge is key when it comes to protecting your health and that of your loved ones. Here are some ways that cold weather may be impacting your indoor air quality. Buildup of Pollutants In the winter, we tend to keep our homes sealed up to keep the cold air out, which can cause a spike in indoor air pollutants. Extra dust, dirt, pet dander, and other toxic substances swirl around us by way of our ductwork and heating systems, and we breathe it in continually, which has a negative impact on our health. Drier Air A lack of fresh air and increased use of our heating systems can cause dry air in the home, which results in respiratory issues, throat irritation, and...

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September 18, 2020

How Your HVAC System Affects Your Home’s Resale Value

There are many variables that come into play when determining your home’s current market value. One of those variables is the quality of the property’s HVAC system. Let’s take a detailed look at how your furnace, heat pump, or air conditioner can add or subtract from a home’s sale price. Replacing an HVAC System Can Be Expensive Putting a new furnace or central air system in a home could cost thousands of dollars. In most cases, the person who agrees to buy your home isn’t going to want to take on that expense after putting thousands down to acquire the property. At a minimum, a buyer is going to want you to provide a credit or rebate to account for that extra cost. The professionals at in Lincoln, NE, can inspect a heater, repair an air conditioner or take other steps to make sure your home’s AC is working properly before it goes on the market. Old HVAC Components Can Be Less Efficient A furnace or air conditioner that was installed in your house 10 or 15 years ago may not be as efficient as products currently on the market. This means that whoever purchases your home will face the...

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January 8, 2020

Why You Should Invest in a Smart Thermostat

Do you need to replace a thermostat that has stopped functioning? Perhaps yours is functional, but it’s somewhat outdated. In either case, you may be wondering if a smart thermostat is the way to go. Here are a few of the advantages to investing in this technology at your location. Saving Money A smart thermostat can set a schedule for your climate control system that’s based on the way you live. It can also accurately adjust your temperature based on external weather. You’ll still have the advantage of manual control, but these new features will produce considerable savings on your monthly utility bill. Remote Control From Your Phone Would you like to save energy costs while you’re away but have your space properly heated or cooled before you arrive home in the evening? Maybe you have a tendency to forget whether you’ve set the thermostat correctly when you leave the house in the morning. A smart thermostat will allow you to monitor its functions, switch it on or off and set the temperature remotely. All you have to do is download the appropriate app to your smartphone. Adapting to Your Needs Many smart thermostats can learn your habits from your...

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May 22, 2019

Product Warranties Have Many Benefits

When you purchase a product, you want to choose one with a warranty. Many customers aren’t aware of all the benefits that come with a warranty. Here are a few things you need to know about product warranties. Helps Budget the Cost of Ownership At in Lincoln, we have many brands that offer warranties on their products. A warranty is an important part of your new purchase. There are different types of warranties. Most products only have a limited warranty, and it will cover the product for a limited amount of time. You also have the option to purchase an extended warranty for more protection. In any case, these warranties help you to budget the cost of your product. If a part is faulty or breaks, you will not have to pay a large repair bill. Most warranties cover both parts and repairs. Replacement Parts for Your Product When a major component fails in your unit, your manufacturer warranty should cover the costs. In some cases, normal wear and tear may not be covered. It is always best to check your particular warranty to see what is protected. When you need a replacement part, as an authorized dealer, we will...

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February 19, 2019

Furnaces Just Keep Getting Better

When you invest in a new furnace, you’ll be achieving a standard of energy efficiency and advanced technology that was only dreamed of a few decades ago. This decision could save you significant costs on utility bills and system repairs. Furnaces only have an optimal life expectancy of 10-15 years. While you may own a perfectly functional system that’s much older, it is probably far less efficient than a newer model that could perform twice as well. If you’re ready to seriously consider a change, consult with local experts on this topic. At , we’re standing by to discuss the possibilities. Technological Progress Through History Like most other aspects of our civilization, the process of heating our homes has gone through a long series of progressive improvements. In the colonial era of our country, nearly all American homes were heated by wood fires. What’s more, those fireplaces weren’t all that practical. Most of the heat escaped without really warming the room. Benjamin Franklin’s stove improved on that model, but we didn’t stop relying on wood fuel for another century. It wasn’t until the late nineteenth century that the coal furnace became prevalent. It was combined with a cast-iron radiator to...

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January 29, 2019

How Often Should My Furnace Be Replaced?

Diamonds may last forever, but the same can’t be said of your furnace. At some point, you’ll need to replace it with a newer unit, but you’re probably wondering how often it should be done. Reading on will help shed some light on the topic. When your furnace reaches old age Today’s furnaces are remarkable when it comes to their overall longevity. As long as your furnace receives good maintenance and upkeep on a regular basis, you should expect to get up to 20 years of reliable service from it. It’s not out of the ordinary to see 30-year-old furnaces in action. Nevertheless, aging furnaces are prone to reliability issues, not to mention the potentially expensive repairs that often follow. A good time to assess whether you need a furnace replacement is when your current furnace turns 15 years old. When repair costs approach replacement costs Keeping your current furnace in action seems like the economical way to go, but it’s also easy to fall victim to the law of diminishing returns. Furnace repairs can become prohibitively expensive as your furnace ages. At some point, replacing your furnace entirely instead of investing in further repairs makes more financial sense. A...

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