February 19, 2019

Furnaces Just Keep Getting Better

When you invest in a new furnace, you’ll be achieving a standard of energy efficiency and advanced technology that was only dreamed of a few decades ago. This decision could save you significant costs on utility bills and system repairs. Furnaces only have an optimal life expectancy of 10-15 years. While you may own a perfectly functional system that’s much older, it is probably far less efficient than a newer model that could perform twice as well. If you’re ready to seriously consider a change, consult with local experts on this topic. At , we’re standing by to discuss the possibilities. Technological Progress Through History Like most other aspects of our civilization, the process of heating our homes has gone through a long series of progressive improvements. In the colonial era of our country, nearly all American homes were heated by wood fires. What’s more, those fireplaces weren’t all that practical. Most of the heat escaped without really warming the room. Benjamin Franklin’s stove improved on that model, but we didn’t stop relying on wood fuel for another century. It wasn’t until the late nineteenth century that the coal furnace became prevalent. It was combined with a cast-iron radiator to...

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